You Might Want to Consider to Upgrade Your SSH Key to Ed25519

Posted on 2022-01-14


As of today, RSA is the most widely used, but Ed25519 has become the newly recommended public key algorithm to use. Ed25519 it uses Twisted Edwards curve.

Why Ed25519

  • Better performance. Since it uses a better algorithm.
  • Compact signature. My Ed25519 public key only consisted of less than 30 characters and less than 400 for the secret key. Compared with my RSA key, which consists of 700 and 3300-ish characters for the secret key.
  • More secure, as it does not require any random input and has some other details. This benefit is not important for average users.

Generating the Key

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C "[email protected]"
  • -t specify the type we're using, in our case ed25519.
  • -f specify the filename of the generated key file.
  • -C (Optional) specify the comment inside the key, it is usually filled with <user>@<hostname>.

Additionally, you can add -a NUMBER flag to customize the key derivation function rounds to slow down the passphrase verification, which can slow down any brute force attempt (and also slow you down).


With the minor benefit above, you should consider making a new key using Ed25519. However, it doesn't mean you need to switch immediately, you could just add the new key without having to remove your old key type.
